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SRF Construction Loans

IAMU Technical Assistance for SRF Construction Loans

IAMU is here to provide direct interaction with water and wastewater utilities on the SRF process. The main focus will be assisting disadvantaged communities to identify drinking water or clean water infrastructure needs, regulatory obligations and implement necessary upgrades and improvements.

These include:

· Drinking water treatment plant and distribution system upgrades or building new drinking water infrastructure.

· Wastewater treatment plant and collection system upgrades or building new wastewater infrastructure.

· Connecting small drinking water/wastewater systems to larger systems

· Lead service line replacement

· Stormwater/water conservation projects


Highlights and Changes to SRF

ü Plans for implementing funding for the General Supplemental, Lead Service Line, and PFAS/Emerging Contaminants funding awarded from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) are included in this annual release of the IUP.

ü The Socioeconomic Assessment Tool used to define a Disadvantaged Community (DWSRF Program) and Affordability Criteria (CWSRF Program) has been updated with current American Community Survey and state level employment data. In addition, the assessment criteria were refined to improve desired outcomes and comply with existing federal statue.

ü Additional subsidization in the form of loan principal forgiveness will only be applied to eligible construction costs of projects selected to receive additional subsidization.

ü Borrowers receiving loan forgiveness will only receive one award per project with a cap of $2 million per project for eligible projects.


*This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (96701601) to Wichita State University. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.

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