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**CANCELLED** Electric Utility System Operation Short Course
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7/28/2020 to 7/30/2020
When: All Days - 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Where: IAMU Training & Office Complex
1735 NE 70th Ave
Ankeny, Iowa  50021-9353
United States
Presenter: Skip Collier, Professional Training Systems
Contact: (800) 810-4268

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**This class has been cancelled.  We hope to reschedule the course next July***

This class is designed for any employee whose job performance will benefit from a basic understanding of the operations side of the business. This includes those from legal, rates, engineering, purchasing, computer application, marketing, customer service, inventory control, finance, accounting, safety, risk analysis as well as those from generating plants. One goal for this class is to have students leave with the ability to easily identify all of the electrical equipment they see in a substation as they walk by, along with all the equipment found on the poles in a residential area. Non-electrical engineers are often at a disadvantage in the electric utility environment due to a lack of familiarity with technical issues. The better you understand the utility's product - electrical energy - and how it is created and distributed, the better you can serve the utility and your customers.

This course assumes no electrical background, and builds on the basics to provide a comprehensive understanding of the equipment and operations.

*Line Maintainer apprentices will receive 21 Basic OJT Hours for taking the course*

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